The child who lives with fairness
learns about justice
Woodgreen Day Nursery provides a stimulating, caring and safe environment for children in their formative years.
We understand the importance of values and our aim is to ensure that those you live by in your own home are reinforced during your child’s time with us. The life skills gained by being confident and understanding the importance of friendship and consideration for others are immeasurable. Our children are encouraged to be kind to others, to take turns with friends, to share, be polite and be keen to explore the fascinating world around us.
We hold the Level 3 National Day Nursery (NDNA) eQuality Counts award and are rated “Good” by Ofsted who describe our children as: ‘happy and demonstrate that they feel safe and secure in their care. Children behave well. Staff model good behaviours and teach children the importance of being kind, taking turns and sharing with their friends’.

Very caring, very friendly and approachable. Thank you for helping Alice to settle in so well. We are so happy she is at Woodgreen.

Children are happy, settled and thriving in the inviting vibrant nursery atmosphere, where they use a wealth of stimulating toys and resources including and exceptionally well-equipped and interesting outdoor areas.